
15:50 - Really hungry, gotta run into franprix before I hop on the metro to work!
15:55 - In line with a sandwich and coke, should be on the metro for work now - panic!
16:05 - Still in line, some dude is trying to pay with a check and it's not working, panic panic! (and hungry hungry!)
16:10 - Finally on my way, and finally get to take a bite of my delicious sandwich, woho!
16:13 - Homeless guy gets on the train, keep on chewing on the sandwich, ignore ignore.
16:14 - Oh crap, he's stopping right next to me. He's moving closer, waaah! Keep munching on the sandwich and pretend not to see him!
16:14½ - Chew chew.... he's taking my sandwich! From my hand - from my mouth!

16:16 - Homeless guy gets off the train, phew! Look at the other people on the train... abouth three other people are staring and at about the same time - everyone breaks out in a loud laugh!

(16:17 - shit... I'm still really hungry...!)


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