Nostalgia with P.P and N.N

Before I hop out on the town I need to share this little dialogue with you guys - it was months ago and I haven't thought of it since. I just re-discovered it on Emilias blog, and I feel the strong need to spred it:

So.. We're at a party, in a pretty fancy apartment. We're sitting on a couch sipping on a glass of wine (well, necking bottles of beer..), next to us are two baltic-looking guys.

Me: Just look at those guys, they have to be russian. The one to the left is probably called Pjotr or something...
Emilia: Haha, yeah.. (goes quiet for a little bit... and then) - EY, PJOTR!


The guy on the left turns around looking confused and starts searching the room. We were just doing our best not to die of laughter...

We're terribly smooth, the pair of us.

Posted by: CherryCheek

Hahaha :D

2010-03-25 @ 14:14:57

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