When you're strange

(back online at home, YEAH!)

I had the strangest night (I'm skipping the welcome back-speech), it started out with a clown show in Mairie des Lilas, carried on to pizza and champagne in a cute little garden - and from then it just went downhill...

Café Oz (not as insanely crowded as it usually is), Highlander (crowded, with lovely people), Pub st Michel (eh... no, there's no excuse) and (I say this very proudly) not breakfast at Le Depart! Duncan went on a hunt for his lost cell phone (he found it, on the metro?!) and I took an early metro home, phew.

Now Phil (new roomie) has left me for work, fish (not new roomie) is on his way over from the eurostar and I'm just doing my best to keep my head from exploding...

Oh, it's good to be back!

(lot of parenthesis in this one...)

(...puss puss)


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