The short tale of Elin and the bouncers

As some of you may know, I seem to have some kind of thing with bouncers. I'm not sure what it is, but I have lost count of the times I've been asked out by a guy letting people in at a bar or club. And no - I'm not bragging, it usually makes me quite uncomfortable.

So, the other night I went into the Galway, and didn't think much of it when the guy in the door wanted to give me a flyer about something. I smiled, folded it and put it in my pocket - and forgot about it immediatly.
Until yesterday, when I was wearing the same jacket. I pick up the flyer, ask myself why he might have given me a piece of paper about an african clothing-store, does that seem like my style?

And then I look a bit closer, and what do I see? Yes, you guessed it, his phone number... now I'm afraid to go back!

(Since I am such a nice person,

I blurred out his discreet writing in the picture)

Posted by: Gunilla

Nää jag tror han såg direkt att det där var din klädstil. Tänk bara på Samos-kläderna...NÄR KOMMER DOM???

2010-06-23 @ 10:27:17

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