Fête de la musique

Today is music's day in all of Paris - musicians everywhere and the metro running all night. Now if the sun would just show up, this day would be perfect!

Checked some old blogposts, and exactly one year ago this is what went down...

Mom was in town, and we started the night with sushi in quartier latin

Sushi was followed by quiz-night at the princess, with darling Emilia (and a lot of free beer)

Strolled around the 5th for a while, and ended up around the Pantheon

Popped in to WOS bar where Stephen, Luke and Pierre were playing
(as everyone can see, I was just pretending to take their picture, so I could get a good shot of the hot guy by the bar)

Posted by: Emilia

haha ja, den heta killen i baren komm man ju ihåg!

2010-06-21 @ 14:42:48
Posted by: Gunilla

Åh Gud jag ser ut som en fet nöjd julgris :(

Nasses mamma liksom. Ojojoj.

2010-06-21 @ 19:55:02
URL: http://gunillastephen.blogspot.com
Posted by: elin

mamma - NEJ! Skärpning! (att vara nasses mamma är dessutom något som aldrig bör nämnas i negativ bemärkning, se upp för nasseligan nu...)

Puh - han va där igår också! anniversary, yippee! hah!

2010-06-22 @ 14:29:27
URL: http://ellabellakallin.blogg.se/

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