Easter sunday

I'm not sure how I slept last night, apparently not very well, since I cannot for anything in the world turn my head to the left.. other than that, life is good. Spent some quality time with my darling friend Camille last night, met an old friend at the housewarming-party and chatted away for while before heading out to one of our old favourites, finished the night by picking emilia up and going home to watch Seinfeld.

Looks like Paris is storming up today as well, so I'll be spending another day chez nous, with a big cup of coffee.

Posted by: Clapton

Haha den där kan man aldrig tröttna på :D

"So what's the deal with politics? I don't get it! Am I right-y?" Kramer, Kramer.

2010-04-18 @ 08:57:23
URL: http://DenDekadentaDansen.blogspot.com

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